MSP Graham Simpson has won a promise of talks over the future of East Kilbride’s rail line from the new Transport Minister.
He reminded Jenny Gilruth that plans to dual the line have been axed after a statement from her on the nationalised ScotRail.
This follows Mr Simpson’s debate back in December last year where MSPs from all parties were united in agreeing that the Scottish Government’s verdict was a mistake which would have grave consequences for the town.
Her predecessor Graeme Dey promised to have cross party talks during a debate in parliament led by Mr Simpson.
Graham Simpson, MSP for Central Scotland said: “Jenny Gilruth was clearly unaware of the issue in East Kilbride but has agreed to hold those vital cross party talks.
“I hope that happens soon because all parties locally are against the scrapping of the dualling.
“When we meet I will be urging Miss Gilruth to go further, to spell out plans for a Clyde Metro will mean for East Kilbride and to explore the possibility of having a line to Hamilton.
“We need to show ambition for the town if we are to get people on to public transport.”